With increase patient awareness the incidences of tooth decay has decreased. However, should your teeth require restorative treatment we will discuss the options for restoring the tooth back to its normal shape, appearance and function.
Reasons for restorations
- Relieve dental pain
- Repair damage/decayed teeth
- Fill in unattractive spaces
- Restore eating and chewing
- Enhance dental smile
Forms of restoration
Composite Restorations
These are (tooth coloured fillings) which are used to repair a tooth that has been affected by decay or fractures. Since they are tooth coloured they can be closely matched to the colour of existing teeth. They are strong and will last many years but as with most dental restorations they are not permanent and may someday have to be replaced. It is normal to experience sensation to hot and cold with composites which usually subsides shortly after placement.
Amalgam Restorations
Amalgam is another dental filling material that has been used for over 150 years around the world. It consists of a mixture of metals, liquid mercury, powdered silver and tin and copper giving a silver appearance. They are strong, long lasting and less likely to break than other types of filling especially in the back of the mouth. There has been a lot of concern regarding the presence of mercury in metal fillings. The Federal Drug Administration of America continue to evaluate and update evidence based research which has not established any association between dental amalgam and any adverse health effects in the general population. If your existing amalgam restorations are in good condition it is not recommended to remove or replace them as it would result in unnecessary loss of healthy tooth structure. Deciding on the best material to treat dental decay is a choice that can be discussed with us.

Before: This patient suffered with tooth loss and significant tooth wear/attrition.

After: The patient′s dental function and appearance were restored with a single tooth denture and white composite veneers.